Because my participation in the party of Where bloggers create II, I will be writing this post in English (my blog normally is in Dutch, my native language). Most of the visitors will not be able to read Dutch, so it was the most polite thing to do ;-)
I do have a translator on my blog, but writing in English is a good exercise for me.
We live in our home for 8 years now, and I used our kitchentable for most of my sewing-work, but since we have a few cats, who are always willing to help me in every kind of way (just not the RIGHT way) I felt I had to make a space for myself, so I had some peace on my mind and I could gather all my hobbymaterials around me.
We have 3 bedrooms in our home, 1 is our master bedroom, and 1 room is for the boyzz, so the only room left, was our kittenroom. Since we only have 2-3 litters each year, this room is empty (read: not used) most of the time.
I decided that I could have at least 1 wall for my stuff...

On top of it you will find some see-through containers with my paints & brushes, beautifull fabrics and also one for my teddybear and knitting materials.
Also there are 3 containers with the materials for the catshows. Since we have a cattery and visit catshows frequently, we always have showcurtains, blankets etc ready to grab for a show. And they needed a place in the house also, so why not in my "craftcorner" ?
I also collected some nice magazines over the years. Various one, like
Country Homes & Interiors (an interior magazine from the UK)
Wonen, Landelijke Stijl (an interior magazine from the Netherlands)
Knip Mode (a Dutch magazine with sewing patterns)
Ariadne At Home (a Dutch magazine, about interiordesign, craftideas etc)
Tuin & Co (a Dutch garden magazine)
Because the archives are getting full, I decided to look in old magazines for ideas and inspiration and I put these in a little book that I call "Book of Inspirations" and which I keep at close hand. The old magazines where thrown away and this gave me some new space. Yeahhhh !

The craftspace in this room is not big, I don't have many supplies and materials, but I am proud of what I create and also with the space I have now. It is a work in progress, just like the crafting and I know it is no fancy interiordesign, but it works for me and I feel happy with it !